Odin: Yeah, Yeah time to make your get away from this place, and to make sure you don't get the information you came here seeking, we'll make all of the links lead to a blank page with the word 'boo' written on it! Genius.
Gilgamesh: And just to show that we mean business, here's an interesting link for you to check out. Do it!! NOW!!!
King Bowser's Realm:
Gilgamesh: My old (and legally deceased) site. Nothing to do with Final Fantasy, but I put it here CUZ I CAN!! You gotta problem with that?!
Odin: Well, I would if you weren't holding that staple gun.
Gilgamesh: BACK! BACK!
Mewd's Archive of Stories, Art, and Poetry:
Odin: This is the site I made after the shrine died, it's a place for original and fan artwork and stories alike! And I get to force people to give me submissions! Wooo!
Gilgamesh: Warning: Not for grammar and spelling fanatics!
The Video Game Music Archive:
Odin: Here you find lotsa final fantasy Midis for those who don't want to bother with the file size or illegegality of MP3's.
Gilgamesh: And of course we would never, EVER condone anything illegal.
Policeman: We know you're in there Gilgamesh!! Come out with all your hands up!
Gilgamesh: *grabbing Odin and using him as a shield* YOU'LL NEVER TAKE US ALIVE, COPPER!!!
Final Fantasy Compendium:
Odin: Hey, we linked to a site that could obviously help those in need of aid of almost any general information about the Final Fantasy series including in game referances and name origins! What the heck's the matter with us?
Gilgamesh: Temporary sanity.
Final Fantasy Fighting:
Odin: Unlike other pointless fighting sites, this one has a plot, and despite the fact that the main characters of the Final Fantasy games are slaughtering each other for no apparent reason!
Qu's Marsh:
Odin: Fritz's Final Fantasy fan fiction is fantastic. Argh, someone shoot me.
Gilgamesh: *shoots Odin*
8-Bit Theater:
Odin: Eight Bit Theater! Another online comic, will there ever be enough? This one has Final Fantasy sprites.
Gilgamesh: More stuff for us to rip off. Yay.
RPG world:
Odin: Yeah, another comic, this ones about RPG cliches in general.
Gilgamesh: A great place for those of us who always wondered why Red Jellies carry money and armor with them.
Odin:....Another comic, wooo.... uh, yeah, RPG like.
Gilgamesh: I would comment, but that would require me to actually go to this site, and I don't feel like it right now. So there.
Odin: Toasty frog! My mentor of website writing! You probally can't tell becuase I'm only about 1/100 as amusing as Toasty, which means a lot to me.
Gilgamesh: Anything named after cooked amphibians automatically gets my vote.
RPG icons:Odin: Free icons! Er, heres a vast resource for wonderus RPG sprites, we're linking to him because other wise stealing his sprite would be considered stealing.
Gilgamesh: And we would never--no!! I'm not doing that bit with the cops again!!
Odin: Stuck in a Final Fantasy game? Came to us for help only to find that all we do is mock Final Fantasy? Go here, even though you'll find what you're looking for and inevitably never return here afterwards.
Gilgamesh: This space for rent.
FinalFantasy Classic:
Odin: A site dedicated to the first game in the Final Fantasy series. Much better then our shrine, but it doesn't have our cause-eyes-to-bleed-layout.
Gilgamesh: What good is a website without loss of eyesight?! Bah.
Odin: Changed your mind? Going to return to the main page? Well too bad! We'll never forgive you for trying to leave!
Gilgamesh: Unless you send us large amounts of cash. Now.