How FF7 Should Have Ended

by Bahamut

We did it guys! Sephiroth is gone!


And also, for all your hard work we will all have a surprise pizza party on the Highwind I have been planning for weeks!


But what about Met-

*Hits Red XIII*


Hey, hey! Calm down! Now everyone get in a single file line by the exit!


Sephiroth! I thought I defeated you!

Just about…

Well, I will finish you off here now!

Geez, let’s just go!


No, you all have to stay!


Now, Sephiroth, prepare to die! *Gets hit in head with rock* Damnit! Who threw that?!


Gah! Anyways… Sephiroth! Prepare to-

Wait! You have the wrong idea!


This was all a misunderstanding!

No! I saw you kill Aeris with my own eyes!

No, that is not what happened! I think you just dreamt that!

I don’t think so! You swept down and stuck your blade right through-

Cloud, what the hell are you talking about?!



Cloud, what the hell is wrong with you?

Oh, I guess that was just a really realistic fantasy… Or something….



Er, a really sick one….



Anyways, I guess this wraps up everything! Let’s all eat pizza!

!! Everything is shaking!

Looks like everything is collapsing!

Lady Luck, please save me now… *Airship falls down and hits Cid.

Oh my!



*Examines the wreckage and finds Cid’s body* Heh…hehheh…..


*Screen switches to airship popping out of cave*

Ok, well I guess all that is left now is to eat pizza!


*Puts 10 pizza boxes on table*Ok, you can take one the first time but you can’t have seconds until everybody has-

*Takes a plate and puts a slice on it*

HEY! I’m talking! Who the hell do you think you are?! *Knocks Vincent’s plate to the floor*


You son of a b****! *Pushes Cloud*

Stop this!

*Holds Cloud back*

I’ll kill you! I will kill every single one of you!

*Takes three pieces of pizza*

Hey! You can’t do that!


*Takes Cait Sith’s plate and smears it all over his face*

*Punches Sephiroth in the face*

Stop this all of you! This is crazy!



Look at all of you! You are fighting over nothing but pizza! If you keep this up you know what, I’m gonna throw all this pizza in the trash!


Yeah! I will!

She’s crazy! She’s gone insane!

Don’t listen to her! She is bluffing! *Punches Cait Sith when he is watching Aeris*

I am serious! *Pushes a stack of 5 pizza boxes of the table and all over the floor*

You son of a b-!*bites Aeris’s leg*


Hold her! *walks up to Aeris and lets his machine gun spray all over her*

Whoah, cool!

God, there is like no pizza left!


it’s ok, we still have 5 boxes-

5 boxes?! 5 boxes?!?! Who gives a damn about 5 boxes, dammit!

Snap out of it man, you’re going crazy! *Slaps Red XIII*

Raaah! *latches his fangs onto Barret’s throat*



This wouldn’t of happened if you all had just let me finish!

You shut your dirty mouth!


AHHH! I KILL YOU! *elbows Tifa in the jaw and lunges at Vincent*


Cool! Huh… Uh, guys…. Things are getting a little weird in Midgar….

Ahhh! *tumbling around punching Vincent*

It’s getting a little red and windy around here….

That’s odd…..

Yeah, let me look out the window for a second… Let’s see here… Red….. Theres…. Wait….


Ahhh! It’s the! AHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…….*Slumps to the ground*

Maybe I can get the pizza since everyone is fighting….

*Stops munching Barret, who is already dead* Hey, what about the meteor?




Don’t worry, I already took care of that.

*Sigh of relief*

*Flash of bright like occurs from the distance and everything shakes*

Ohhhh, THAT meteor….. Oops…

You son of a b-*Whole planet explodes*

*Credits Scroll*

