Past Updates

Gilgamesh: You must REALLY be bored to come here. This is where we record all our past updates, because...uh... Why DO we do this, Odin?

Odin: Mainly because it's a cliche effert to make our site seem professional despite the fact that the only sites that don't store their updates are the profesional ones.

Gilgamesh: Oh, right.


Nothing. This our first day! What do you expect?! Some people...



Gilgamesh: Get back to the good stuff!

Odin: Emphasis on "stuff." You've learned enough about how this site has progressed through the ages. You can unchain them now Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh: NO! They are my slaves!! Work, you dogs!

*The visitor is loaded back into a giant tea cup by force and is forced to view the history of the site in panging detail once more*